Martin Fay
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Martin Fay

Joined: 1962 Died: 2012

Martin, a native of Cabra in Dublin, was inspired to take up music after seeing a film on Paganini.The soundtrack played by Yehudi Menuhin deeply affected him, and after persuading his father to buy him a violin, he was soon attending the School of Music for lessons. Martin wasn’t hugely impressed by traditional music in his early years, in fact, he was headed for a classical training. But after he had given up the idea of making a living as a classical musician, an old schoolteacher got him a place in the six piece orchestra that played overtures and intermission music in the Abbey Theatre.

Soon after, and hooked on Irish music, Martin became a member of Ceoltóirí Cualann, and not long after, he became one of the founding members of The Chieftains. Martin is best known for his interpretation of slow air demonstrating emotion and tranquility.

Martin lived in Dublin with his wife, Gráinne until November 2012 when he sadly passed away.

Fiddle, Bones